Redeemer Kids
Inviting every child to find thier everything in Jesus and empowering parents in the home.
Sunday School
During this equipping hour we seek to expose our kids to the gospel story and aim to empower parents to continue the conversation during the week. All of our Sunday School environments utilize The Gospel Project curriculum in hopes to best connect the church and home.
Our kids will understand that all of the Bible points to God’s great rescue mission through His great Rescuer, Jesus. See below the age appropriate classes where we’ll immerse ourselves in story and have a blast doing it!

Babies (Birth-2 yrs)
Room 1001

Toddlers (2-3 Years)
Room 1002

Room 1100

Grades 1-3
Room 501

Grades 4-6
Room 501

Main Service
During the 10a service we provide fun and engaging environments for infants through Kindergarten. Here we invite our kids to sing to Jesus, hide God’s Word in their heart, and have creative ways to engage with the gospel story. Our kids greeters will be waiting for you in the Children’s Building (room 1002) to get your child checked in and connected with their classroom before the service.
Our kids that are 1st grade and up are invited to attend the service with their families. We believe this is prime training ground for parents to equip their children in the gathering of the saints. They are a welcome blessing, not a distraction. We also want to help families in this pursuit while we worship together by providing coloring sheets and guides to interact with during the service located at the resource table near the front doors.

Wee Worship
All parents / grandparents are invited to bring your little ones, infants through 6-years-old, to worship with us! We will meet together weekly (various sessions throughout the year) to learn about Jesus and Biblical truths through songs and rhymes while exploring simple musical concepts and instruments. Free to attend, message for more information.

Family Discipleship
What do you dream about when you think a leaving a spiritual legacy for the coming generations? Click this image to see how we plan to equip, encourage, and empower parents in the home.

Childcare Workers
Each member of our Children’s Ministry Team receives a thorough background check and is carefully screened and trained to lovingly care for your children. Child check-in is available in the Children’s Building (room 1002) before or during the service.